Art, Photographs, & Images

  • Up to 20 images (files), any medium, subject, style.
  • Print edition interior is grayscale on uncoated paper, no larger than 5"x7".
  • Ebook edition is color, and larger where appropriate.

Though we want to see things different from what we've published so far, our main criterion is whether we dig what you're laying down. We tend to prefer striking compositions and contrasty texture. We like, but by no means require, series and projects.

We suggest you use the title of the image (if any) as the filename. We can handle most common file formats, but see below about file types.

Friendly advice about file size: Whatever size/format you upload, we suggest having originals available at 300dpi/1800px wide minimum (we prefer at least 600dpi/3000px wide for covers), in a lossless format like .tiff, uncompressed .png, or .ai. If your originals are smaller or .jpeg, that's fine: don't blow them up unless your Photoshop fu is strong.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.